Acid-stopping medications such as Prilosec, Prevacid and Nexium (and more versions are coming) work by interfering with the “proton pump” and stopping the production of hydrochloric acid by the gastric parietal cells in the stomach.


What is often not mentioned is that these drugs also stop the parietal cells from producing Intrinsic Factor, which is necessary for the absorption of Vitamin B12.


These drugs induce a state of hypochlorhydria in the stomach, which negatively affects the function of the other digestive organs. A pH of about 2 in the stomach is necessary to trigger the pancreas to begin production and release of its enzymes, and the liver and gall bladder to engage bile flow.


Initially this class of drugs was only permitted to be taken for a six-week period, and they were used for ulcers and GERD. Now they are used for months and even years at a time, and are routinely prescribed for any and all GI symptoms.




It is officially reported that thereare few side effects to these drugs, and that the side effects tend to be mild. But what is actually being perpetrated is a form of physiological and biochemical insanity.


The main reason that this is insanity is that over 90% of people with “acid indigestion” are not making too much stomach acid but too little stomach acid.


The physiology is this:


Stress stimulates the Sympathetic Nervous System into action. The affect of the Sympathetics on digestion is to shut it down, not turn it up, as we have been wrongly told, See “THE MYTH OF ACID INDIGESTION” (available from doctor).


It is the rotting food in the stomach that produces organic acids of putrefaction and fermentation, and these cause the acid of acid indigestion.


Naturally an antacid or acid stopping drug makes the symptoms temporarily better, but at the cost of making the problem increasingly worse over time.


These drugs virturallly stop digestion, and therefore most absorption, from occurring.




  1. Malnutrition

Especially proteins and most minerals cannot be digested without a strong acid medium beginning in the stomach. The consequence is that these patients will begin to feed off their own protein reserves (muscle and organs) and mineral reserves (bone density). Pancreas and bile function are also inhibited, causing malabsorption of all nutrients and all fats.


  1. Toxicity

When food is not digested properly beginning in the stomach, it will putrefy and ferment-literally, rot as it proceeds through the warm, moist environment of the GI tract. The resulting systemic toxicity must be dealt with continually, which will sooner or later overwhelm the organs of detoxification.


The resulting symptoms are bloating, gas, diarrhea or constipation.


  1. Hypochlorhydria

A state of permanent hypochlorhydria is induced, and the consequence of this is both dire and extreme, yet it is completely ignored by conventional medicine.


What disease processes are related to hypochlorhydria?

The short answer is “Any and all disease processes.” This is understood without much explanation by anyone who appreciates the incredible dilemma presented to the body by severe ongoing malnutrition and toxicity.


For a detailed discussion of hypochlorhydria and its many consequences, which were clearly understood in medicine in the earlier part of the 20th century (before antacid medications), see the three-part article “Hypochlorhydria-A Review” by Judy Kitchen in the Townsend Letter for Doctors and Patients, Oct., Nov., and Dec. 2001.


  1. Aseptic function is lost:  Parasites

The low pH of gastric juice is designed to sterilize the content of food. Without the low pH of the stomach, a person is susceptible to any type of food  or water -borne parasite.


Parasite infections have become far more common than is currently recognized, primarily due to lack of proper testing procedures. A single ransom stool test (as performed in hospitals) is very unlikely to detect most parasite infections. Specialty testing must be done, such as the Diagnos Techs GI 2 or parasite testing from Great Smokies Lab.


  1. Degeneration of the gastric mucosa

Another result of prolonged use of acid-stoppers is degeneration of the gastric mucosa.


When correcting digestive problems with natural remedies after the use of antacids, the problem is resolved in a few weeks.


(Correction consists of boosting digestion, not inhibiting it.)


When correcting digestive problems with natural remedies after the use of acid-stoppping medication, the problem usually takes many months to correct. It appears that considerable degeneration of the gastric mucosa takes place. This makes sense, since the constant presence of rotting food on the mucosa has to cause problems. The first part of the natural protocol must therefore address the healing of the gastric mucosa before any boosting of gastric secretion can take place.



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